Different types of hair transplants differ in how they’re performed and also the price tag. Hair FUE cost has much more to offer. Your individual needs will determine the best option for you, and discussing it with your plastic surgeon can help you decide. Fortes Clinic has hair transplant specialists that can provide a personalised hair loss analysis for the best results. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about hair transplants. But in particular, what to avoid following your treatment.
Different types of hair transplants differ in how they’re performed and also the price tag. Hair FUE cost has much more to offer. Your individual needs will determine the best option for you, and discussing it with your plastic surgeon can help you decide. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about hair transplants. But in particular, what to avoid following your treatment.
FUT Hair Transplant
This follicular unit transplant method involves removing a strip of your skin from the donor site, mainly the back of your head. Your surgeon and the team will then separate the strip into tiny grafts ready for transplant. The grafts you receive will depend on various factors, including the size of the recipient site, your hair quality, and type. The ready grafts will then be placed into the area already prepared to receive them. This method takes many hours, and you have to get prepared to have the linear scar from the donor site for a long time.
FUE Hair Transplant
On the other hand, if you decide to get an FUE (follicular unit extraction) procedure, your doctor will shave the donor site and remove hair follicles. And repeat the same process, implanting them into the small slits already prepared in the recipient area. Your scalp will not be stripped during this procedure but rather remove hair follicles. The treatment area will heal, leaving some tiny dots, which your hair will eventually cover. Hair FUE cost may be reasonable, as this technique addresses the demerits of FUT, such as linear scar and strip removal. It means no wound care is needed, minimal downtime is required, and it reduces aftercare discomforts.
Hair Transplant Cost
The cost of a hair transplant varies from person to person. And it depends on the amount of hair to be transplanted and your surgeon’s experience. Unlike FUT hair restoration, hair FUE costs will be much more. But on average, the price ranges from $4,000 to $15,000 per session, with multiple sessions going up to $50,000. It’s essential to note that some hair clinics offer low-interest rates finance options. Talk to your doctor and find out if they have this kind of arrangement.
Now that you’ve done your hair transplant treatment and settled your hair FUE cost, what next? You must know some things to avoid once you’re home following your treatment. Let’s look at five things to refrain from for optimal results!
Avoid Drinking Alcohol and Smoking
During your recovery period, don’t take alcoholic beverages, as they tend to thin your blood causing bleeding. Doing so interferes with your healing process and may also cause difficulties in getting better. Avoid drinking alcohol for at least five days following your procedure.
Equally, do not smoke for at least one month, as nicotine can reduce blood circulation to your hair follicles. In addition, it may cause your blood pressure to rise to some dangerous levels. The growth of your new hair largely depends on a good blood flow and a sufficient supply of nutrients to your head.
Avoid Scratching or Picking at Scabs
A few days after your hair transplant, it’s normal to notice scabs forming at the treatment area. Don’t worry about it. They’re likely to fall off on their own within a week, refrain from picking at them or even scratch. However, it can cause infection to occur and also damage the treatment site. Remember, Hair FUE cost depends on several factors, including the amount of hair required to achieve desired results. Following post-treatment measures goes a long way in making it achievable.
Say No to Bending Over
Don’t lift any weights or bend over for at least two days after your treatment. Your healing process will be quicker, and it also prevents bleeding and swelling. Keep your head raised, even while sleeping, to avoid any adverse effects.
Refrain Touching Your Scalp
Touching your scalp can be tempting because you’ll feel itchy and sore at the treatment site. It’s a normal reaction. However, avoid touching or picking your scalp as you risk damaging your new grafts. Also, keep in mind that various factors can impact the hair FUE cost of a hair transplant, such as the number of grafts required.
Do Not Wash Your Head
For at least twenty-four hours, stay away from washing your head after your hair restoration procedure. And when you resume cleaning your head, be sure to apply a light touch to avoid disturbing the new grafts. Also, consider using cold water and low water pressure for five days after your surgery. Your one-off Hair FUE cost can provide you with results that last for a lifetime if you follow the aftercare tips.
In Conclusion
Hair FUE cost will offer you a permanent solution to your thinning or balding hair, giving you back your self-confidence. So, if you’re considering a permanent hair loss restoration, FUE and FUT hair transplant procedures can give excellent results. Ensure that you find a trained and experienced plastic surgeon who’s board-certified for best results. Hair restoration can boost your confidence, contact your doctor today and book an appointment.