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Can Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplement Help You to Lose Weight?

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Omega 3 fish oil is one among the foremost common supplements on the market. It’s rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which supply various health benefits. Including better heart and brain health, a reduced risk of depression and even better skin health.

Researchers have also suggested that fish oil omega 3 fish oil fatty acids may help people reduce more easily. However, studies aren’t unanimous, and opinions on this potential benefit remain split.

This article reviews the present evidence on whether omega-3s from fish oil can assist you reduce .

What Are Omega 3 fish oil fatty acids?

Omega 3 fish oil fatty acids are a family of fats that’s essential for human health.

There are several sorts of omega 3 fats, but the foremost important ones are often categorize d into two main groups:

Essential omega 3 fatty acids: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is that the only essential omega 3 fatty acid. It’s foun d during a wide selection of plant foods. Walnuts, hemp seeds, chia seeds, flaxseeds and their oils are the richest sources.

Long-chain omega 3 fatty acids: the 2 most known are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They’re mainly found in fish oil and fatty fish, but also in seafood, algae and algae oil.

ALA is taken into account essential because your body can’t produce it. This suggests you want to get this sort of fat from your diet.

On the opposite hand, EPA and DHA aren’t technically considered essential, because the physical body can use ALA to supply them.

However, this conversion isn’t very efficient in humans. Your body turns only about 2–10% of the ALA you consume into EPA and DHA.

For this reason, many health professionals advise taking around 200–300 mg of EPA and DHA per day. You’ll do that by eating about two portions of fatty fish per week, otherwise you can take a omega 3 fish oil supplement.

EPA and DHA are involved in many essential body functions and play a very important role in brain and eye development and performance .

Studies show that maintaining adequate levels of EPA and DHA can also help prevent inflammation, depression, carcinoma and a spotlight deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

There are many fish oil omega 3 supplements on the market, usually available as oil drops or capsules.

Omega 3 Fish Oil May Reduce Hunger and Appetite

Omega 3 Fish oil fatty acids may help people reduce in several ways, the primary of which involves reducing hunger and appetite.

This effect could also be particularly useful for those that are following weight loss diets, which sometimes cause increased feelings of hunger.

In one study, healthy people on a weight loss diet consumed either fewer than 0.3 grams or quite 1.3 grams of omega 3 fish oil fatty acids per day. The high-fish-oil group reported feeling significantly fuller up to 2 hours after a meal.

However, these effects aren’t universal.

For instance, in another small study, healthy adults not following a weight loss diet got either 5 grams of fish oil or a placebo every day .

The omega 3 fish oil group reported feeling around 20% less full after a typical breakfast and experienced a 28% stronger desire to eat.

What’s more, several studies in patients with cancer or renal disease have reported increased appetite or calorie. Intake in those given fish oil, compared to others given a placebo.

Interestingly, one study observed that fish oil omega-3s increased the amount of a fullness hormone in obese people, but decreased levels of an equivalent hormone in non-obese people.

Thus, it’s possible that effects vary counting on your health status and diet. However, more studies are needed before strong conclusions are often made.

Fish Oil May Increase Metabolism

Another way animal oil omega-3s may assist you reduce is by increasing your metabolism.

Your metabolism are often measured by your rate , which determines the amount of calories you burn every day .

The higher your rate , the more calories you burn and therefore the easier it’s to reduce and keep it off.

One small study reported that when healthy young adults took 6 grams of fish oil per day for 12 weeks, their metabolic rates increased by around 3.8%.

In another study, when healthy older women took 3 grams of omega 3 fish oil per day for 12 weeks. Their metabolic rates increased by around 14%, which is that the equivalent of burning an additional 187 calories per day.

More recently, a study found that when healthy adults took 3 grams of omega 3 fish oil per day for 12 weeks, their rate increased by a mean of 5.3%.

Most of the studies reporting increases in metabolic rates also observed a rise in muscle mass. Muscle burns more calories than fat, thus a rise in muscle mass may explain the upper metabolic rates observed in these studies.

That said, not all studies have observed this effect. Thus, more studies are needed to know the precise effects of fish oil on metabolic rates.

Fish Oil May Boost the consequences of Exercise

The metabolic effects of fish oil might not be limite d to easily increasing what percentage calories you burn every day .

Research suggests that consuming fish oil can also amplify the amount of calories and amount of fat you burn during exercise.

Researchers believe this happens because fish oil may assist you switch from using carbohydrates to fat as a source of fuel during exercise.

One study reports that ladies given 3 grams of omega 3 fish oil per day for 12 weeks burned 10% more calories and 19–27% more fat once they exercised.

This finding may explain why some studies have found that taking omega 3 fish oil supplements together with exercise was simpler at reducing body fat than exercise alone.

However, other studies have found that fish oil doesn’t appear to affect the sort of fuel the body uses during exercise. Thus, more studies are neede d before strong conclusions are often m a d e.

Fish Oil May assist you Lose Fat and Inches

Even if omega 3 fish oil fatty acids don’t help some people reduce , they’ll still help them build muscle and lose body fat.

Sometimes your weight on the size are often misleading. It’s going to remain an equivalent albeit you’re gaining muscle and losing fat.

That’s why people that want to reduce are often encourage d to use a tape or track their body fat percentages. To assess their progress, instea d of rely only on the size .

Using weight to trace loss of body fat can also explain why some studies have did not find any effect of fish oil on weight loss. However, studies that use more precise measurements of fat loss often tell another story.

However, the fish oil group lost 1.1 more pounds (0.5 kg) of body fat. And built 1.1 more pounds (0.5 kg) of muscle than those not given fish oil.

In another study, six healthy adults replaced 6 grams of fat in their diets with 6 grams of fish oil every day for 3 weeks. They lost no more weight following the fish oil-rich diet, but they did lose more body fat.

Thus, omega 3 fish oil might not assist you reduce intrinsically. But it’s going to make it easier for you to lose inches and assist you go down in clothing sizes.

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Dosage and Safety

Among the foremost recent studies that found that fish oil ha d a positive effect on weight or fat loss. Daily dosages of 300–3,000 mg were use d.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), intake of omega 3 fish oil fatty acids is take n into account safe if the daily dose doesn’t excee d 3,000 mg per day.

However, the ecu Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the ecu equivalent of the FDA, considers daily intakes of up to five ,000 mg from supplements to be safe.

It’s good to stay in mind that omega-3s have blood-thinning effects which will cause excessive bleeding in some people.

If you’re taking blood-thinning medication, ask a healthcare professional before adding fish oil supplements to your diet.

In addition, take care with the sort of omega 3 fish oil supplement you’re taking . Some may contain vitamin A. Which may be toxic when taken in high amounts, especially in pregnant women and young children. Cod liver oil is one example.

And finally, confirm you concentrate to the content of your animal oil supplements.

Unfortunately, certain types actually don’t contain much fish oil, EPA or DHA. To avoid these “fake” products, pick a supplement that has been teste d by a 3rd party

To get the foremost benefits from your omega 3 fish oil supplement, choose one that’s made from a minimum of 50% EPA and DHA. Example , it should have a minimum of 500 mg of combined EPA and DHA per 1,000 mg of fish oil.

The Bottom Line

The omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil have various potential health benefits, one among which is aiding weight loss.

More importantly, omega 3 fish oil fatty acids may assist you lose inches and shed body fat.

However, studies have found these effects appear to be modest, and that they might not apply to everyone.

Overall, omega 3 fatty acids are likely to possess the foremost beneficial effects when combined with lifestyle factors. Like proper nutrition and regular physical activity.

Also Read: What are the Benefits of Flaxseed Oil Capsules?

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