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Carbon Mining: A Constructive Strategy to Net Zero

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The mining industry has significantly contributed to climate change. In addition to the inhospitable operative conditions, it also leads to climatic hazards like heat waves, heavy precipitation, drought, and more. Carbon mining has led to the emission of greenhouse gas and has ultimately led to global warming. Reducing this emission will require changes in different sectors and industries.  With the introduction of innovation and the use of technologies, net-zero emission can be achieved which will have a huge positive impact on the environment.

Based on the 2015 Paris Agreement, around 195 countries have come together have pledged to put a limitation on global warming below 2°C. If the target is met, it would lead to the decarbonization of industry. This would lead to the creation of a major shift in the demand for the commodity for the mining industry which would result in a decline in the revenue pool for global mining. 

Carbon Mining

By not releasing any greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, zero-emission can be achieved. This means the ambiance is stopped from filling with gasses like methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide. Net-zero emission does not mean that there is a complete stoppage of greenhouse gas emissions.

Instead, the equation is offset by removing these gases and storing them permanently in plants and soil, etc. By monitoring activities like carbon mining, the atmosphere will be significantly advantageous in its goals of becoming pollution-free.  

Technologies Required for Achieving Net-Zero Goal

Achieving the net-zero emission requires a change in the production of energy and its usage. This will lead to the removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. The path to achieving net-zero can be done through the following four strategies:

  • Encourage the nation to generate emission of free electricity: With the use of natural sources like solar, waterpower, nuclear and solar combined with advanced electric storage that can provide electricity to a nation with the minimal emission of CO2. In addition to this, various low-carbon sources of energy can be used for producing electricity.
  • More and more countries should adopt using equipment and vehicles that are powered using electricity instead of using fossil fuels. The major source of the emission of greenhouse gas should be replaced with such kind of equipment that can only be powered with the use of electricity. 
  • Energy must be used more efficiently. The use of efficient processes and technologies can reduce the use of energy which can cause a significant reduction in emissions. Also, with the use of smart technologies, energy can be sensed beforehand to determine whether it is needed or not. This further helps in generating electricity and minimizing waste.
  • Removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. For offsetting emissions that are expensive and difficult to avoid, CO2 needs to be removed from the atmosphere and stored permanently. It is possible by using technologies that are capable of capturing carbon dioxide. In addition to all this, soil and plant also help in CO2 removal. People can also practice land management which can increase the absorption and storage capacity of carbon. 

While the use of technologies can support strategies to reduce carbon emissions, it also needs to be made sure that the changes are being implemented on a large scale. This will gradually help in achieving the Paris agreement of zero-emission by 2050.

This will also include investments and new policies and careful attention to the economic and social trade-offs. Most importantly, the commitment and participation of individuals, government as well as industries will ensure the success of this mission. In the meantime, constant effort must be made to come up with upgraded solutions that will enable fighting carbon emissions at a low cost.

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