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How to build a positive and healthy workspace relationship?

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Creating a positive and healthy workspace is a critical element of the progress of any company. Employees form the backbone of any company. Here are a few ways in which you can establish a healthy and positive relationship with your employees:

Create a Positive and Healthy Workspace Environment

Employees in a company come from various backgrounds and social settings. Gender, race, religion, sexual orientation all contribute towards the identity of an individual. Thus, it is essential to respect these identities to create a healthy space for everyone. Take the following steps to create a more diverse and inclusive workspace:

1. Educate everyone:

Often, employees face “microaggressions” in workspaces. Microaggression means minor verbal or non-verbal remarks over an individual’s identity. For example, sexist or racist remarks are often passed by leaders and co-workers as a joke or in passing. Even though such statements may not be intentional, they can create a hostile workspace. Thus, it is vital to educate everyone to be sensitive and avoid any such remarks.

2. Create inclusive policies:

Office policies, even though applicable equally to everyone, are often created to suit a particular group better. It is more productive to have an equity-based policy over equality-based policies to cater to everyone’s unique needs. For example, menstrual leaves for women, various infrastructure for disabled employees can help accommodate everyone’s needs and ensure everyone can work more productively.

Encourage Learning and Skill Development

With technology developing every day, every company must stay updated with new knowledge and upgrade their skills. Encouraging and promoting learning can be a great way to positively connect with your employees, upgrade their skills, and utilise them for the company’s growth. A few simple ways in which you can incorporate learning is:

1. Dedicate time: Scheduling a specific time where everyone spends time learning and upskilling themselves can be a great way to create a positive environment.

2. Discussions: Discussions and debates are a great way of learning as well. Such sessions can help employees gain insight into various aspects of their industry and connect better with the company ethics and team leaders.

Reduce Communication Gaps

Employees often feel disconnected from their seniors and are unable to approach them in case of any problem. Situations like these often occur due to fear and lack of communication. But such gaps can create an unhealthy atmosphere. It is therefore essential to be accessible and available for all your employees. Open door policies are a great way to reduce these gaps. Since they directly make you present in front of the employees, it will ease communication.

Along with that, having mutual respect for all employees can also increase healthy communication. Respect for employees should not be based on their position. Inferior treatment of certain employees can create fear and increase communication gaps.

Establishing a feedback mechanism can also be a great way to allow employees to express their concerns. Regular feedback from employees and taking action on it can reduce communication gaps and build healthy employee relationships. Anonymous feedback can also help if there are already existing gaps within the organisation.

Healthy and non-judgemental communication goes a long way in creating a positive workspace and helps employees in expressing their concerns better. Thus, leading to a better resolution of problems.

Maintain Healthy Boundaries

While connecting and communicating with employees is a great way to create a healthy environment, it is also essential not to overdo it and respect boundaries. Healthy boundaries at work are crucial to creating a positive and healthy workspace environment. Some steps that you can take to develop healthy boundaries and promote employee health and wellbeing are:

1. Allow privacy:

Employees often do not wish to share personal information about themselves for several reasons. It is vital to provide that space to employees and not mandate sharing such information unless necessary.

2. Work-life balance:

Overworking and burnout are some of the significant reasons why workspaces turn toxic. It is crucial to set timelines and work boundaries so that it allows employees to sufficiently balance their work and personal life. Providing consistent schedules and informing in advance can also be extremely helpful in providing a healthy workplace in the long run.

3. Respect disagreements:

Disagreements at the workplace are a common occurrence. It is not possible to avoid them, but it is possible to control the impact. Respectfully understanding differences and respecting everyone’s opinions leave a positive effect on everyone. Moreover having a perfect business partner will reduce the need for disagreements and arguments.

4. Appreciate Your Employees:

Imagine you work in a company and work hard to meet up the company’s goals and deadlines. Work can make you all exhausted and drained. A simple gesture or a “Thank you” note can lift your mood and keep you motivated. Give your employees the appreciation they need. They work for you and dedicate a lot of time and effort to your company’s growth. Pat their backs, make them feel special and let them know how much you value their work. Do it honestly and not just for the sake of it.


A positive and healthy workspace employee relationship encourages productivity and reduces the overall stress within the company. Small steps can go a long way in creating a positive relationship. Incorporating these tips will surely help you in creating a positive and healthy workspace and grow your company.

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