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Felony Definition. Is Embezzlement A Felony?

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Getting into a road accident is very unfortunate. You drive on roads, but your safety should also be a concern for other people driving along with you. Several traffic rule violations lead to road accidents. But are you aware of all the traffic rules? Do you know how to classify a traffic misdemeanor and a traffic felony? Start with understanding the felony definition.

Felonies are crimes that carry a prison sentence of more than a year. This means that a felony crime is the most severe type of crime. Severity defines each crime. Felony, in this case, not only causes wrong against a person but also the society.


Crimes are often classed as felonies involving physical violence or actions that cause other extreme psychological harm or indicate extreme negligence. Committing a crime is like icing on the cake. Understanding the felony definition differs from case to case. 

For example, battery and aggravated assault (the verbal threat or attempt of physical violence while brandishing a weapon), the creation/collection/sharing of child pornography, murder or manslaughter, robbery, repeated DUI/DWI convictions, kidnapping, and vehicular homicide are all felonies.

Other types of felonies are nonviolent but considered egregious acts in some other way; this includes crimes such as tax evasion, threatening an officer, grand theft, copyright infringement, perjury, mail fraud, and violation of probation or parole.

Felony Fines & Punishment

Felony charges often result in fines as well, but they are much heftier. For example, in the state of New York, a Class A-I felony, the most serious of that state’s classification system, can result in a fine of up to $100,000.

When felons receive a jail sentence, they are generally placed in state prison for anywhere from 1-5 years, up to life in prison, depending on the crime committed. Many states, such as Texas and Oklahoma, still allow and regularly employ capital punishment for murder.

Three-Strikes Laws

Out of 50 states in the U.S., 27 have three-strikes laws. These laws impose harsher sentences on repeat offenders — usually persistent felons. 

For example, a person charged a second or third time for felony assault and battery may get sentenced to 25 years in prison or even life imprisonment.

Effects Of Felony Convictions

Any person convicted of a felony after the age of 18 receives a permanent mark on his or her record, affecting gun ownership rights and future employment opportunities, depending on the crimes. 

A felony conviction is less likely to affect prospects than a felony conviction. Suppose it was closely related to a previous job. In that case, however, gainful employment may be challenging to come by, especially as professional licenses are sometimes revoked when someone is convicted of a misdemeanor crime related to his or her professional life.

Expungement Of Data From A Felony Conviction

It is possible to seal documents related to a felony, meaning that information is no longer available to the general public and that formerly convicted individuals will not even have to disclose their criminal history. 

This process is known as expungement. How it works and which crimes can get expunged varies by state.

There is more to read about felony definition and relevant topics. Click here to read. 

Life After A Felony Conviction 

A person can end up with a felony conviction for many reasons. Facing a felony is a challenging life situation. There are options. 

Once a person does their time and pays restitution, they often have the option to request probation or parole and possibly appeal or expunge the conviction later.

Is Embezzlement A Felony?

Employee theft is a common form of embezzlement and is considered a white-collar crime. This type of financial fraud can lead to severe prison sentences, fines and restitution requirements, etc. 

Embezzlement is a crime of misappropriation. It is taking money or property that belongs to someone else to deprive that person or business of using those funds or property. It is different from larceny because it does not require that money or property gets obtained illegally to be a criminal act.

For instance, a bank teller is entrusted with the funds at his or her window; the teller is legally charged with the cash he or she receives from customers or stocked from the bank’s vault daily. 

However, if the bank teller takes money from the till for personal use, depriving the bank or its members of using that money, he or she has committed the crime of embezzlement.

Embezzlement is a convicted felony in some states, and it is not in other states. Also, in states where it is a felony, the crime and its varying vary from the certainty, class, and the nature of the crime. Below mentioned is the punishment degree. 

  • Class C Felony – 58-73 months in prison
  • Class F Felony – 13-16 months in prison
  • Class H Felony – 5-6 months in prison or community punishment

If you are still looking to read more and understand that embezzlement is a felony, click here


Depending on the felony definition in regards to the state laws. It is possible to violate federal law, state law, or a city ordinance.

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