When someone close to you has passed on, and you want to honor him or her, the best way to do that is to send a bouquet of funeral flowers with a message of condolences. You may also want to attend the funeral of a friend or a colleague to offer your sympathies. The hard part is composing proper funeral flower messages if you are not so good with words. Even if the deceased was not well known to you, you still need to express your sympathy in a noble way.
The following funeral flower messages guide will help you choose the right words to include in your funeral message when you want to send your condolences. Proper words are comforting to the bereaved, and they will help you cherish the memories of the departed soul in a great way. Using proper funeral flower messages also shows the bereaved that you cared for him or her. We will give you several funeral flower messages to inspire you to make the right choice when composing your funeral message.
What Makes Ideal Funeral Flower Messages?
Writing a sympathy card message is important, especially if the deceased was close to you or if you want to express your sorrow to the bereaved family. It shows that the departed soul was dear to you, and you are thinking about him or her even when they are gone. Writing a funeral card expresses your support, your thoughts about the deceased, or the grief you are feeling at that time. Keeping your funeral flower messages short is ideal because it prevents you from including inappropriate words about the deceased. Below are examples of short funeral flower messages to write on your funeral card.
- I am deeply sorry for your loss
- Our family’s prayers and thoughts are with you in this sorrowful moment
- My thoughts are with you in these trying times
- We can’t offer much, but our prayers go to your family
- If there is anything you need in this trying moment, you can count on us
- I am writing this message with heartfelt condolences
- May God grant you peace in these trying times
- I can’t find the right words to express my grief
- My deepest condolences for your loss
- May God strengthen you as you prepare the send-off
- You are always in my thoughts, hoping that you are overcoming this grief
What to Write On Funeral Flowers Messages
If you can find the right words to include in your funeral flower messages, keeping it simple is the best way to do it. No one will condemn you or feel offended if you decide to keep your funeral messages simple and straight to the point. Below are some of the simplest funeral flower that you can choose to include in your sympathy card. Remember that you are writing your message to show that you are touched, and you care. You may choose to write the messages where they are, or you can use them as inspiration as you compose your own funeral flower messages. Here are several short examples of .
- Gone but always in our hearts
- We miss you dearly
- You are always in our thoughts
- Treasured sweet memories
- Always in my heart
- Until we meet again
- Rest in peace
- Forever in our thoughts
- May you rest in peace
- Sorry for your loss
- In loving memory
- With deepest sympathy
What to Include in Longer Funeral Flower Messages
Sometimes, it may be proper to write longer funeral messages, especially if the departed soul was a sibling or a parent. You may also need to write a long funeral message if you are mourning for the loss of your spouse or a very close friend with whom you shared life together. You won’t have a hard time sharing what you had together and what you remember about the disease because you were together most of the time.
- Even though you are not with us, we will always love and treasure the sweet memories we shared together until we meet again.
- You will be forever missed and cherished in our thoughts, even though it is going to be tough living without you.
- May the peace of the Lord be with you all in these difficult times and days to come.
- Although you went too soon, we will treasure the sweet memories of the times we shared
- The joy and happiness that you brought into our lives are unexplainable. How I wish we could share one last moment together
- Your presence will always be very treasured in our hearts and thoughts. That is what will keep us going for the rest of our lives.
You don’t need to struggle so much to find the unique funeral flower messages. Just jet what is in your heart out. If the deceased was very close to you, you could include the memories that you shared in your message. Keeping the message simple and straight to the point is a good idea. You are free to use the examples we’ve provided as they are, or they can inspire you to come up with your own funeral flower messages.