It’s never easy getting over a traumatic event, whether it occurs in your personal life or on a larger scale. Wars, earthquakes, floods, bombings, accidents, rape, and even divorce, can all be classified as traumatic incidents. If you have suffered trauma, the worst thing you can do is isolate yourself. Use a chat messenger app to communicate with your loved ones. NEEO Messenger has a meet nearby people feature that helps you locate people in your neighborhood. If you survived a natural disaster but saw many others suffer, coming up with ways to help out the victims will help you heal psychologically. Get together with the people near your area where the incident occurred and devise a plan to provide food, shelter, and medical help for the victims. Below are some of the other ways you can help yourself heal from a traumatic event:
- Focus on your physical health:
Victims of physical abuse or rape often start hating their bodies after the traumatic incident. They even try to put an end to their lives so they can free the body from the soul. But they need to realize that this life is a gift, and no one has a right to take it away. The person who committed the crime should suffer, and the victim should get more support and care from her loved ones than she ever did before. She should be encouraged to take care of her physical health, eat right, sleep right and get lots of affection from the people who love her.
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- Keep away from trauma triggers:
Those who have suffered trauma should stay away from situations that could remind them of the incident. If, for instance, the victim was in an elevator when a building collapsed, using the elevator might bring back frightening memories. The victim should stay away from elevators and tall buildings if possible. And if the victim survived a car accident, she shouldn’t be allowed to drive till she recovers fully.
- Venting it out always helps:
Trauma victims often shut themselves up and become silent after the event. But no matter how difficult it may be to get through to them, try to coax them to come out of their shells. Use a chat messenger app if you can’t meet this person physically for some reason. If you are a victim, you need to know that there is always someone out there who is willing to listen without judgment. Talk to someone close to you or seek professional help.
- Keep in touch with your loved ones:
As a victim, you can choose not to discuss the incident. However, interacting with other human beings is essential. If you’re in a new place, use NEEO’s meet nearby people feature to find friends in your neighborhood. Talking to people and listening to their problems takes your mind off your problems, at least for a while. You might even come across someone who shares similar experiences. Call your friends and family often if they don’t live with you and if they do, stay close to them.
- Try things you’ve never tried before:
After the traumatic incident, many people feel like their lives cannot go back to normal. And maybe it shouldn’t! Every bit of suffering should make you stronger. After surviving a traumatic event, you should feel more powerful. Try and live with a vengeance! Meet new people and visit new places. Trying out new things will help take your mind off the incident. Trauma victims often experience feelings of worthlessness. Engage in productive activities which give you a sense of achievement each day.
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- Soothe your system:
At times trauma can result in severe mood swings. The victim might go into hysterics or even become aggressive at times. If you realize you have seen someone getting hysterical or have experienced it yourself, you need to find ways to relax your nerves. Try to transform your routine if it was a hectic one pre-trauma. Make healthy changes such as changing your job and going for one which is not as stressful. Join yoga classes or try meditation techniques at home. Take a bath in warm water to relax the body and keep your distance from noisy people.
A traumatic incident can change your life forever, but it shouldn’t make you value your life any less. Use NEEO Messenger, the chat messenger app, to talk to the people who have always been there for you. More than anything else, you need caring and loving people around you. The meet nearby people feature will help you find other NEEO users. Get involved in community service if possible because when you begin to help others, you start feeling less like the victim. Download neeo messenger and get access to amazing features that connect the people to their loved ones anytime anywhere.