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Process of ISO Certification in India

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The process of ISO Certification neither involves mathematics nor involves science. It mainly requires two components that every organization needs to be fulfilled before proceeding further. The two main components include choosing the right type of ISO certification based on the company’s products and services. The second component includes choosing the right ISO Certification Body that will conduct the audit and issuing you an ISO certificate.

So, if you are very clear about these two components as required, it is confirmed that you might not face any difficulty in the entire process of ISO certification.  However, LegalMart always feels happy to serve its clients in obtaining the ISO Certification. Let us discuss the two components in detail:

The two main components in the process of ISO certification

1. Choose the type of ISO certification

There are various types of the process of ISO Certification. You can choose any type of ISO certification based on your business plans and based on the least standard compliance that you wish to declare. The various types of ISO Certification are ISO 9001:2008 for Quality Management System, ISO 27001 for Information Security Management System, ISO 10002 for Complaint Management System, ISO 26000 for Social Responsibility, ISO 22008 Food Safety Management System, SA 8000 for social accountability.

2. Choose appropriate ISO Certification Body

It is important to note that ISO itself does not provide any kind of certification. The entire process of ISO certification is conducted by the third-party service provider. Hence, an applicant must decide on his own for choosing the appropriate ISO certification body based on their legitimacy and credibility.

Points to be remembered while choosing ISO Certification Body

  • Choose the ISO Certification Body, only after a detailed survey of the third-party service provider. Conduct thorough research then evaluate finally.
  • The Certificate Body you choose must accomplish the guidelines under CASCO which is ISO’s Committee on Conformity Assessment Standards.

ISO Certification Process in India

Process of ISO Certification in India

The process of ISO certification involves a few steps from creating an application to document assessment to prepare an action plan, issuance of a certificate to a surveillance audit 

1. Create Application including Legal Contract

Once you choose the appropriate ISO certification for your organization, you need to submit an application before the registrar that contains major information like certification scope, general details of the company including standards of certification, guidelines, features, and general information. The application should be suited in the form of a letter or email before a registrar.

2. Documents Assessment

Once you apply to the registrar, ISO Registrar will officially assess the documents that you have submitted along with the application. He will carefully review all the documents including quality control, policies, and procedures.

3. Prepare an Action Plan

An action plan will be initiated at the registrar’s end, once the review of documents has been completed. This action plan is initiated by a registrar to rectify the omissions found at the time of reviewing quality control standards of the organization. This action plan will help in making the guideline clearer about the health, quality, and performance of the company’s products and services.

4. Certification Audit at Initial Stage

It includes audits at two stages. In the first stage, the auditor will thoroughly inspect the revised existing quality control standards of the organization. If found any discrepancies, will be classified into minor non-conformances and major non-conformances. Minor conformances will include minor gaps or minor faults in the procedural system with respect to the ISO standards. Whereas Major Non-Conformances include major faults that could hamper major collapse in the quality standard of the organization.

In the final audit, ISO Auditor will remove all the major non-conformances with respect to the quality standard and rectify the same. Once all the gaps were removed, he will transfer the application to the ISO Registrar to release the ISO certificate.

5. Issuance of ISO Certificate

Now the registrar will issue the ISO certificate, once all minor and major conformances are addressed properly.

6. Periodically Surveillance Audit

This surveillance audit will be conducted to ensure the organization is maintaining all the quality control standards and compliances or not as mentioned in the ISO certificate. It will be done periodically by the ISO auditor.


In the end, we hope you have completely understood the process of ISO certification In India. However, for any difficulty or assistance, you may contact the team of experts of The Legal Mart.

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