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Maintaining your garden in autumn: Irrigation work in Dubai

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The summer period is when your garden will be restored. The summer heat has made him worse and he will have to prepare for winter. But until then, the rains will do him good, he will gain strength to face the months to come. You will be able to help him through Irrigation work in Dubai

Our tips for maintaining and pruning your garden in autumn

Pruning shrubs in autumn

Caring for shrubs: You can start by cutting back large shrubs that are getting too large. The drop in temperature with more regular rains will cause the sap to resume activity, and the vegetation will “start again”. That’s why if you prune them now, they will grow small and look more natural this winter. On the other hand, if you prefer that they be “cut with a line”, wait until December, because the shrubs will then keep their “French” appearance until May of the following year.

The importance of respecting the vegetation cycle of the shrub: If you do not respect the vegetation cycle of the shrubs, you risk removing the buds of future flowers (if they are flowering shrubs ). We invite you to contact your professional LELIEVRE landscaper to understand the flowering period. The rule to respect is: pruning after flowering. Hedges of conifers or evergreen shrubs, such as cypress (Cupressus leylandii) or Caucasian laurels (wood laurels), can be pruned at any time of the year, but it is best outside of summer. However, it remains obvious that all you are going to remove by pruning them is as much strength as the shrub will have to resist the aggression of the heat, because they will not have to feed the branches that you are removing.

What equipment to use to prune your hedges and shrubs: Use equipment that cuts clearly, well sharpened. Otherwise, it risks “chopping” the branches and leaving “entryways” for disease. Remember to thoroughly disinfect cutting tools with the products you use. For example, you can prepare an alcohol mixture, dilute it with water in a small sprayer, and spray it on the cutting tool after each gardening.

The more complex pruning of roses and fruit trees

How to prune roses and fruit trees: You should do an intaglio in the fall. But what is an intaglio? It removes some branches, but maintains the current volume and height of the shrub. By removing part of the foliage, there will be less wind resistance, the shrub will dry out less quickly, consume less water, and will be stronger to resist the aggression of pests and periods of drought. 

How to prune your fruit trees:

How are you going to prune? Cut branches yes, but at what height? Are there any cutting angles to respect? On this last point, it is enough that the cut is perpendicular to the axis of the branch on which you are working. Thus the healing will be done in good conditions. By removing the foliage, the sap will feed fewer buds. So there will be fewer fruits or flowers but of better quality, sweeter fruits, more beautiful flowers. The shrub will have the same amount of sap at its disposal for fewer buds to feed.

Remember to remove dead wood as well, it is easier to identify wood that does not have leaves before winter. In winter the task will be more difficult. And dead wood takes up space in favor of foliage.

Think about the future of your shrubs! : One of the secrets of successful pruning is to also think about what will become of your shrub. Knowing that the sap goes to the end of the branches, if the last bud you left goes inside the shrub, the future stem will grow inside. It will not develop properly. On the other hand, if you prune it while leaving it facing outwards, then the stem will seek the light, give volume to your plant and allow light to penetrate inside. You will allow fruits and flowers to grow better. 

These interventions for the maintenance of your garden throughout the winter are therefore essential. Nature will thank you, and if you do not succeed, know that can help you.

How are you going to prune? Cut branches yes, but at what height? Are there any cutting angles to respect? On this last point, it is enough that the cut is perpendicular to the axis of the branch on which you are working. Thus the healing will be done in good conditions. By removing the foliage, the sap will feed fewer buds. So there will be fewer fruits or flowers but of better quality, sweeter fruits, more beautiful flowers. The shrub will have the same amount of sap at its disposal for fewer buds to feed.

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